Smart Technology Enablers, Inc.


Adobe’s Hackers Release Top 100 Most Common Passwords

At first, Adobe’s best estimates for the number of accounts hacked was in the low millions. Their latest estimate was ten times their original one, with new compromised accounts being discovered every ...

Become a More Likeable Boss

Do you want to be a likeable boss? You probably don’t think it’s a priority, but it should certainly be something you strive to do once everything else is organized at your office. At the very least, being a likeable ...

What You Should Know About Hacking: 4 Questions Answered

Small businesses are a major target for internet fraud. Information is stolen then used to create fake identities, steal intellectual property and money from bank accounts. The threat continues to increase ...

How a Strong Twitter Presence Can Help Your Business

Believe it or not, being popular on Twitter doesn’t necessarily mean you’re engaging your audience the way you should. While it’s important to have a lot of followers so you can reach ...

Why You Should Turn Your Business Computers off at Night

It’s been a long day, and you’re ready to quit and have a drink. However, as you walk away from your computer, you click the screen off and leave the computer ...

Adobe Hack Update: 38 Million Accounts Compromised Instead of 3 Million

Early last month, Adobe came under siege and the large company reported that somewhere around 3 million accounts were compromised. In their investigations, however, they have found that nearly 40 million accounts ...

3 Phases of Changing E-Commerce

E-commerce sales have steadily and consistently increased over the last decade. Since total consumer spending is maintaining, ...

How to Utilize the FAA Policy Changes: 10 Tips for Saving Power on Your Mobile Device

The Federal Aviation Administration recently announced that they will expand the use options for travelers and their portable electronic devices. This long-standing policy restricted use of electronics during takeoff and landing, and were ...

Marketing Tips for the Modern Company

When you're looking for an extra spring in your marketing step, sometimes you need an extra hand. Since marketing has changed so much over the past few years, it’s important to take a look at all the recent strategies to ...

How to Handle Your Business Getting Hacked

Despite all of your security measures, your worst nightmare has happened anyway: you’ve been hacked. Now, not only do you have to figure out what was stolen, you have to alert your customers, make ...


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