Smart Technology Enablers, Inc.


Gmail Gains New Look – Tab Look Pleases Beta Testers

Gmail’s revamping again, and this time it’s “for the better,” Beta testers say. Several of Google’s services have already gone through the revamp, and Google’s modifying Gmail to not only match, ...

How to Choose Amazing, Effective Photos for Your Website

Choosing the right pictures for your website is an art, and it’s one of the more important things you should be considering when starting a website from scratch. Photos that aren’t ...

How to Win Customers Over from Your Competitors

Growing a small business with competition around means that occasionally you will win customers from your competition. Of course, this is always done without any hard feelings, but it happens if ...

Is Your Battery Life Disappointing? Use These Tips to Extend It

Smartphones have hit the world with full force and have changed how many people communicate with one another. With instant access to things like Facebook and email, people have been spending ...

The Scoop on Two-Factor Authentication

Twitter recently announced that it now supports two-factor authentication (or 2FA), but it’s far from the first website to encourage users to use it. Google, Facebook, and Amazon are just a ...

Go Green: These Apps Help Your Business Be More Environmentally Friendly

“Go green” is one of the buzzwords of today, but unlike some of the buzzwords of the past, this one has a grander purpose. Companies large and small have begun to ...

Bad Concept? Maybe Not Anymore

Often a bad concept 10 years back is a terrific idea now. It could be counterintuitive to most individuals, because creativity ...

Two Tips For Determining What Defines a “Good Idea”

You may have ideas all day long, and not be sure which ones are any good or not. Try the two tips below to see if they help you sort the ...

Conversational Search on Google Promises to Make Searching Easier Than Ever

Google has, in their own words, brought “Star Trek” to the search engine you already know and use. Google’s new conversational search was announced less than a week ago and has ...

Google Breached, Sensitive Data May Have Been Lost

In 2010, Google’s servers were hacked by Chinese hackers in attempts to get a hold of information that was private, US officials said. For the past three years, the government has ...


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