Smart Technology Enablers, Inc.


Facebook Scam Infects Millions With Virus

The latest attempt by hackers to infect your computer, exploits the curiosity many people have regarding their Facebook friends. The malware scam, which is thought to have infected over 2 million Facebook ...

The End Of XP – How To Protect Your Business

Microsoft has announced it will end support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. Microsoft will stop providing any fixes or patches, including security patches, for its 12 year old operating system after ...

Tips for Growing a Great Email Marketing List

Despite all the marketing options available to small business owners, email marketing is still one of the best ways to raise awareness of your product or service and boost sales. The success of ...

Have You Updated Your Business Plan Lately?

It’s likely you have a business plan, but have you looked at it lately? An up-to-date business plan can make all the difference when it comes to making money and keeping your ...

Apple Announce iOS 7.1 Update – The First Since September 2013

Apple has recently announced the release of iOS 7.1. This is the first major update to the iPhone 5S and iPad Air since September 2013. Unlike the release of iOS 7, this isn’t ...

Why You Should Take Threats to Your Infrastructure Seriously

As a business owner, protecting your infrastructure from outside attacks is crucial for protecting your income, your reputation and your data. One of the worst things that can happen to a business is ...

Facebook “Paper” Mobile App Hits the Market

Last month was a big month for the social media super giant. With several large announcements such as 1.25 billion active users as well as a personal video reviewing the “best of” someone’s ...

How Businesses Benefit from Moving to Cloud Services

If you haven’t already moved your business to cloud services, it may be the right time to look at how companies are benefiting from a simple transition. Many manufacturers and software companies are ...

New WiFi Worm Can Spread with Ease

A new malware has come to the market by the name of “Chameleon.” Not only is this worm potent and potentially harmful to small businesses and personal computer users alike, it can ...

Testing a Business Idea? Ask Yourself These Questions

It’s never a bad thing to be jazzed by a business idea, but sometimes you’re just not sure if you’re capable of pulling off. ...


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